济南学为贵  2017/9/21 9:58:38





  Part 1


  Name 名字


  People who are working 工作考生


  People who are studying 学生考生


  Hometown 家乡


  1A001 Advertisement


  What types of advertisements are there?


  What are the functions of advertisement?


  Advertisements can help increase the sales of products, give information about new brands, and improve the reputation of an institution. Non-profitable advertisements can educate people to protect wild animals, environment or follow social norms.


  What are the problems of advertisements?


  What are the effects of advertisements on people?


  Many people are attracted to buying what they don’t need. They spend more money than necessary.


  1A004 Apartment


  Do you live in a house or a flat?


  What is there on the walls of the flat?


  What can you see outside the windows of your flat?


  Which room is your favorite?


  What kind of house do you want to have in the future?


  What kind of living place is popular in China?


  In cities, most Chinese people live in flats, and there are two or three bedrooms, a bathroom and a kitchen.


  1B001 Bags


  Do you love bags?


  What kind of bags do you like?


  What do you care about when you buy bags?


  Why do you think some designer bags are so expensive?


  Have you ever lost any bags?


  1B003 Birthday


  How do people celebrate birthday in your country?


  How did you celebrate your last birthday?


  What kind of birthday gifts do Chinese people like to receive?


  Is there any difference between birthdays in the past and now?


  1B004 Boating


  Do you want to have a boat?


  Do you love boating?


  I have not been on many boats, but I enjoy being on boats and going out to sea. It is very exhilarating and exciting to be surrounded by the blue water.


  Where do you go boating?


  I have been on a boat in Turkey and in Cyprus traversing the Mediterranean Sea.


  1C001 Celebrity    这个题目还考成pop star


  Who is your favorite celebrity?


  Have you ever seen this person?


  Do you want to be a famous person?


  1C002 Chocolate


  How often do you have chocolate?


  Did you like to have chocolate when you were young?


  Have you ever given chocolate to others?


  Why is chocolate popular in so many countries?


  1C005 Color


  What’s your favorite color?


  Do you like the same colors now as you did when you were younger?


  What can you learn about a person from the colors they like?


  Do any colors have a special meaning in your culture?


  1C006 Computer








  1D004 Dream


  Do you often have dreams?


  Can you remember what you dream of after you wake up?


  Are you interested in other people’s dreams?


  Do you like to have a course about dreams?


  1E001 Email


  Do you often write emails?


  What are the advantages of writing emails?


  What types of emails do you write, business or personal?


  What’s the difference between letters and emails?


  I guess there are still people writing letters for special purposes. Letters are written by hand. They convey personal emotions. Some people express their love by sending letters. While emails don’t give people emotional feelings, so we only use them on formal occasions.


  What kind of letter is hard to write?


  In what kind of situation do you send email to your family?


  1F001 Family


  How much time do you spend with your family?


  1F004 Food


  What sorts of food are popular in China?


  Do you go to restaurant?


  What kind of restaurant do you like? Why?


  What’s the difference between the restaurant now and that in the past?


  1F005 Friend


  Do you like to be with yourself or your friends?


  Do you have many friends?


  What do your friends think of you?


  Do you think that your friends are important to you?


  What do you do with your friends?


  What kind of people do you like?


  How can you keep in touch with your friends if you don’t see them regularly?


  When do you make friends?


  1F006 Fruit/vegetables


  Do you like fruit (vegetables)?


  How often do you eat fruit (vegetables)?


  What kind of fruit (vegetables) do you like best? Why?


  What are the benefits of eating more fruit (vegetables)?


  1G002 Goal


  What’s your goal of life?


  Do you have any plans?


  What are your plans in details?


  Do you think that people of different ages have different goals?


  What are the plans to fulfill your goal?




  Goal is important for all successes in the world.




  We need goals to guide our direction.




  They know what they want and determine to achieve it some day in the future.




  1H002 Handwriting


  Do you often write things?


  Do you usually write by hand or type in a computer?


  Do you think computers will replace handwriting?


  How do children improve their handwriting?


  1H004 Holiday


  How do you spend your holidays?


  How did you spend your last holiday?


  What do you dislike to do during your holidays?


  1H005 Housework


  Do you do housework?


  Who does the housework in your family?


  What housework is there?


  What kind of housework is most important?


  What changes are brought by modern technology into housework?


  1M002 Mirror


  Do you like to look into the mirror?


  Why is it necessary to have a mirror in the room?


  Do you think mirrors are a kind of decoration?


  1M005 Mobile phone


  When did you use the mobile phone for the first time?


  My father had a cell phone of that was a very old version, which was very big with an antenna. And I used it to call my mother once. Before that I’d never used a cell phone to call.


  What do you use your mobile phone for?


  Normally I use my smart phone to kill time, read, watch videos and play cyber games. And occasionally I use it to make a phone call. So I think it’s more like an entertainment tool rather than a phone.


  1M004 Music


  What music do you like?


  What music do Chinese people like?


  From when do schools begin to have music lessons?


  Should there be music lessons at schools?


  Do many Chinese children learn to play a musical instrument?


  What instrument have you learned?


  What instrument do you want to learn in the future?


  What are the benefits of learning a musical instrument?


  1N001 Neighbor


  Do you know your neighbors?


  Do you think it is important to have good relationship with neighbors?


  Well it is definitely very important because they will give you the first-time help and support when you encounter emergency. And they may be the people you see most frequently, so I think a good relationship is important.


  Do you prefer young people to be your neighbor or old people?


  I prefer to have old people as my neighbours, because they are quieter and they don’t have noisy parties at night. I am a person who likes a quiet life, so I don’t like to live with young people around.


  What problems will people have with their neighbors?


  1M003 Museum


  Do you go to museums?


  What kinds of museums do Chinese people like to visit?


  Why do people go to museums?


  Should people buy tickets to go to museums?


  In what way can a museum attract more people?


  1M004 Music


  What music do you like?


  What music do Chinese people like?


  From when do schools begin to have music lessons?


  Should there be music lessons at schools?


  Do many Chinese children learn to play a musical instrument?


  What instrument have you learned?


  What instrument do you want to learn in the future?


  What are the benefits of learning a musical instrument?


  1N003 Newspapers/magazines


  When did you begin to read newspaper?


  What’s the difference between reading newspapers and magazines?


  1O001 Outdoor activities 同时注意indoor activities


  Do you do any outdoor activities?


  How often do you do outdoor activities?


  Do you think outdoor activities are important to people?


  Do you think nowadays people have done enough outdoor activities?


  1P004 Photo


  Do you like to take photos?


  How popular is it to take photos in China?


  I guess most people like to take photos, and they help people keep important moments. It is not uncommon to see young people taking selfies anywhere and anytime. Old people usually go to a photo studio to have family reunion photos.


  What kind of photos do you like?


  Do you think it is important to learn how to fix photos?




  keep the moment




  keep sweet memories




  a reminder of the past




  1P006 Politeness


  Are you a polite person?


  Who taught you to be polite?


  What is politeness?


  1R002 Reading


  1R005 Robot


  Do you want to have a robot?


  1S001 Sea


  Do you like to live close to sea?


  Why do people go to the sea?


  1S007 Sunshine


  Do you like the sunshine? why or why not?


  What do you like or dislike doing under the sunshine?


  1S008 Swimming


  Can you swim?


  Where do you usually go to swim?


  Do you think it’s important to learn swimming?


  1T001 Teacher


  Are there any teachers that you like very much?


  What have you learnt from this teacher?


  Would you like to be a teacher in the future?


  Do you still contact your teachers?


  Describe a teacher who impressed you most.


  How do teachers give lectures in your country?


  1T003 Transport


  What transports are there in your city?


  Which one is your favorite?


  What do you think of your city’s transportation system?


  1T005 TV program


  Do you like watching TV?


  Why do you like watching TV?


  What’s your favorite program?


  Do other people in your family like watching TV?


  1W004 Window view


  What can you see from your window?


  1W005 Writing


  Do you like writing?


  What do you like to write about?


  How often do you write?


  What qualities do writers need to have?




  Do you often buy shoes?


  Do you have a lot of shoes?


  Do you like comfortable shoes?


  What do you think of the fact that some people have a lot of shoes?




  Do you often ride bicycles?


  When did you learn to ride a bicycle?


  Are there many Chinese who ride bikes?


  What are the advantages and disadvantages of riding bicycles?


  Is it suitable for people of different ages?


  Indoor games


  Do you like indoor games?


  What kind of games do you play?




  Do you like to wear watches?


  Did you wear a watch when you were young?


  Have you ever given to others watches as gifts?




  Do you like jewelry?


  On what occasions do you wear jewelry?


  Why do people wear jewelry?


  Have you ever bought jewelry for others?




  Are you a patient person?


  How can people be patient?


  High school




  第三章 Part 2 官方题目大全




  2EC002 Childhood event 童年往事


  2ED001 Decision  决定        题目:一个与别人观点不一致的决定


  2EE001 Exciting experience 兴奋的经历


  2EG002 Got up early 早起          题目:早到的经历


  2EH002 Help 帮助


  2EH003 Historical event 历史事件


  2EH004 Holiday 假期


  2EI001 Imagination 想象力


  2EL001 Laugh 发笑经历


  2EL001 Learning English 学英语       题目:一堂英语课


  2EP002 Positive change in your life 人生积极改变


  2ET001 Trip旅行   想去的旅行


  2EW001 Wedding婚礼         题目:幸福的一对couple


  2HP001 Physical exercise 喜爱的sport


  2HS002 Song 最喜欢的歌曲


  2HT001 TV program 电视节目


  2JC001 Company 公司


  2JJ001 Job 工作     题目:well-paid job


  2LF001 Festival 节日


  2MN001 News 新闻


  物品类话题 Objects


  2OC001 Clothes or jewelry 衣服或者首饰


  2OE001 Electronic device 电器


  2FF001 Favorite book 书籍


  2OG001 Gift 礼物 题目:free gift


  2OI001 Invention 发明


  2OW001 Work of art




  2PF002 Famous people 名人


  2PF003 Friend


  2PN001 Neighbor 邻居


  地点类话题 Venues


  2VC001 City 城市


  2VC003 Country 国家  题目:a country you want to work in for some time


  2VH001 House or flat 房子


  2VP001 Park/garden 公园/花园


  2VP002 Place in childhood 童年的场所     题目:快乐童年


  2VR001 Restaurant 餐厅    题目:a special cake


  2VS001 School 学校


  2VS002 Store 商场


  2VW001 Water 江河湖海    swimming place


  Two people in the same family 书中351页


  Interesting speech 书中367页




  A conversation with a stranger 与陌生人的对话


  Quiet place  安静的地方


  Future plan 与学习工作无关的未来计划


  An enjoyable day in the countryside 乡下的一天


  Wait 等待的经历


  Place where no photos were allowed不准拍照的地方 可以用museum书中302页




  聪明的解决问题的人 可以与下面素材结合在一起


  Vacation with a child 与孩子度过的假期


  Café 咖啡店


  Foreign food 外国食物


  A polite person


  Peaceful place


  Good service


  Something new


  The time when your family member made you proud


  Time when mobile phones were not allowed


  Time you were busy


  Place good for relaxation


  A person you want to know more


  Plant or flower in your country


  Crowded place


  准备了很久没做的事情 可以介绍跳伞,害怕了。


  素材: 甜点店


  素材: 戏剧社


  素材: 跳伞


  素材: 跆拳道


  素材: 体育比赛


  素材: 动漫




  素材: 海滨城市


  素材: 法国


  素材: 罗马


  素材: 意大利


  素材: 马六甲




  素材: 歌星


  素材: 蔡依林




  素材: 饮水机


  素材: 健身手环


  素材: X-box


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