济南雅思培训 雅思考试写作范文:气候变化
济南学为贵  2017/9/20 19:13:44

    Some people think instead of preventing climate change, we should find ways to live with it. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
    These days, no one would deny the importance of protecting the environment.But there is no consensus on how to achieve this end. Some people believe that social members may try to tolerate the changing climate rather than endeavor to make a difference.I find it really difficult to justify this argument.
    The climate change and its following impacts indeed have already been on the global scale and people have to admit this undesired social reality. The reasons for this may involve the recognition that environmental problems are mainly found in underdeveloped countries, where industrial or agricultural developments are the top priorities and have to be placed ahead of environmental issues. As a result it is likely for these nations to explore it excessive natural resource to stimulate the economic growth . In the absence of facilities or technologies, those countries have difficulties in balance the economy and the environment. For this reason a large number of people will unfortunately sacrifice their wishes of living in a comfortable zone, but accept the degenerated living surroundings.
    However, this doesn't automatically mean that we may simply surrender in the battle against the climate change. After all the rare effort may contribute to the even more outrageous climate disasters,including the glacier melting, drought and flood. In this case,there must be some measures adopted to prevent the regression. One possible approach to urge government to enforce strict laws.These laws can punish environmentally destructive activities and determine businesses and individuals from releasing astonishing amount of carbon dioxide and other kinds of greenhouse gas, Which can effectively postpone the process of global warming. Moreover, in coping with this issue countries worldwide may join forces and make a concerted instead of working individually for inconsistent targets. For example those economically and technologically advanced nations can provide their aids to their less-advanced counterparts in order to restore the environment there.
    As analysed above the climate change seems to be inevitable and inextricably intertwined with the economic development. However if we collaborate with each other,this phenomenon can be addressed properly.

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