  2017/2/16 20:49:59



Passage 3


Relish the flavor----how brain perceives flavor 


5/6配对 5判断 4/6配对  





 A: Molecular biologists research the flavor to examine the biological mechanism in work.

The taste and flavor use interchangeably.

The brain receives news about what is in mouth from the receptor.

B: Some professors agree that brain’s response to stimuli, but others still doubt about the patterning of signals which create flavor

C: We can’t measure brains’ input and output to report the flavor sensation.

D: Researchers relate the result of mechanical test on our experience of flavor.

E: Studies reveal patterns of electronical activities swishing around the brain in real time.

F: Taste preferences are largely influenced by a matter of culture and leaning.






Q27-31  matching

NB: you may use the letter more than once

27 the process of the new food flavor is agreed on        C

28 the reason for some natural preferences             F

29 the reason why flavor has not been researched in depth in the past.       A

30 the explanation of lack of consistency in sensory analyzing data      E

31 the wider benefits to the knowledge of researching flavors.        F


Q 32-36 T/F/NG

32 Both taste and flavor can be experienced only in mouth.        F

33 Some elements in flavor involve neither taste nor smell.         T

34 Ice-cream manufactures are at the forefront of the research on flavor      NG

35 it is possible to accurately match the brain activity to the experience of flavor     F

36 Research is being done to the controlling of the experience of taste.      NG


Q37-40 match the person with their opinions

A   Givaudan

B   University of Bath

C   University of Nottingham

D   Firmenich

E   Chemical senses Institute

F   Linguage

37 matching brain activity and food input         D

38 use genetic modification to track flavor signals      E

39 matching textural qualities of food and sensation      B

40 identify elements in certain smells.      F





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